Why Go?

Why Go?

By clicking on this SoundCloud link you can listen to today’s PWTE devotion “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to […]

Where Are the Air Traffic Controllers?

Where Are the Air Traffic Controllers?

By clicking on this SoundCloud link you can listen to today’s PWTE devotion It must be a moment of anxiety when pilots lifted off their balloons at the annual Balloon Classic at Memorial Park in Colorado Springs.  These big lumbering airships are not that maneuverable. They’re at the whim of the wind. Doesn’t it seem that our […]

Boldly Creative – by Amy Brauner

Boldly Creative – by Amy Brauner

In my natural state, I am timid and meek.  Although my introverted soul loves to be able to be a wallflower, observe, and stay quiet, quite often I find my resistance to be in conflict with what God is calling me to do.  He calls me to be bold in my hope, faith, and actions.  […]