Shaken to the Core

Shaken to the Core

By clicking on this SoundCloud link you can listen to today’s PWTE devotion “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble […]

The Deception of Glory

The Deception of Glory

By clicking on this SoundCloud link you can listen to today’s PWTE devotion We human creatures have a fear that we’re going to be forgotten, and if we’re forgotten then our lives are meaningless. Somehow, in some way, we want to leave a legacy. We seek glory and fame. You’re probably thinking, “not me! I could […]



By clicking on this SoundCloud link you can listen to today’s PWTE devotion This cactus is beautiful. Rocky Mountain National Park is known for its grand vistas, large herds of elk and occasional moose, not for its cacti. When I took this picture I was surround by a large number of cow elk. But this cactus […]