Stars and Sun Alike

Stars and Sun Alike

By clicking on this SoundCloud link you can listen to today’s PWTE devotion The setting sun is frightening for many people as light gives way to darkness. It is not that people are actually afraid of the setting sun, but of the darkness that follows. Where is God in the darkness? “Both day and night belong […]

The Weakness of God – by Mark Vincent Vicari

The Weakness of God – by Mark Vincent Vicari

God loved the world so intensely, He decided to give up His only born Son to death. So that anyone who believes in Him, will not die… but instead live forever. – John 3:16 – [Paraphrased] Someone you love dearly, deeply…profoundly, has hurt you, has done you harm, done something wrong… perhaps even very wrong. […]

Climb On

Climb On

By clicking on this SoundCloud link you can listen to today’s PWTE devotion It appears that Pastor Jeffrey Meinz is free climbing this telephone pole as he ascends to enjoy a ride down the zip line at Lutheran Valley Retreat, yet if you look to the right you’ll see a rope disappearing into the sky. This […]