The Pain of the Hard Way

By: Elizabeth Haarberg

The Easy Way

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Sometimes the easy way out feels like the right answer. The problem with easy is it is never as easy as it looks. When we make commitments to someone then change our minds later, the dominoes that fall are deep and wide. We will hurt more than just the person we are leaving or deserting. We will hurt family and friends that depended on us to be present. Abandonment is an issue for those who have been left behind. Sacrifice for immediate happiness feels important and urgent but usually leaves us with a “grass is greener” emotion.

This is not to say that if you get a better job opportunity or if you are in an abusive relationship you should forego leaving. This just means sometimes the refining God is doing in us is in the pain and suffering that we are experiencing in that moment.

“That is why I am suffering as I am.” 2 Timothy 1:12 New International Version

One of the checks I use is to sit in the pain of the moment and really understand if I’m running from the pain or if I truly need to make a change. Some situations are harder than others.

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” Psalm 23:4 English Standard Version

I quit my job in January to pursue my masters. I was making good money, I really liked my co-workers and I enjoyed the work, but there were definitely some struggles. I felt God tugging me toward going back to school and it took a while to sort out if I really needed to leave. After I made the decision to leave my job, I haven’t looked back and I have had no regrets.

Don’t be afraid to change lanes if God is leading you into a different arena. The same goes for relationships, with the exception of your marriage relationship. If God is nudging you toward someone, don’t hesitate to get to know them.

Discernment is important as we navigate the world.


Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Elizabeth Haarberg

Elizabeth Williams Haarberg lives in Kearney, Nebraska with her husband and four children. She has lived in many places but has found her true home with God.