An Amazing Sight

By Pastor Mark Moreno

Eyes of Faith

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

I have lived in Colorado for a few years now, and I have gotten used to seeing some of the incredible animals here. It is common to see deer, foxes, coyotes, and there are other animals seen less frequently like bears, moose and big horn sheep.

But I’ll tell you what you never see in Colorado: Giraffes! Yet a quick trip to the local zoo and I was able to see giraffes! I was able to feed them! Isn’t that amazing?!?

What amazing sights have you seen lately? Maybe you feel like you haven’t had much in the way of interesting or notable experiences of sights. Let me help to open your eyes!

Have you flown on a plane lately? Did you actually lift up the shade to see the amazing view from 30,000 feet?

Have you seen a family at church or at the local grocery store with a newborn baby? How tiny the little hands are?

Have you seen someone new at church? Be they old, young, male, female? The idea that God has been at work in them to try to worship in a new community?

I sometimes fear that we have become so jaded that we stop seeing some sights as “amazing”. We just see them as normal, or worse yet, as nothing.

In Isaiah 43, we read,

“Remember not the former things,
nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?”
English Standard Version

God is doing amazing things in this world and in our life, even if we don’t see it. He is always doing beautiful and amazing work in this world. Our God works through ordinary means and ways often, so I admit it can be easy to overlook. But I encourage you to live with eyes of faith, to look for God and how He works in this world. You can better appreciate Him, and be strengthened when in difficult times.

What amazing sight will you see today?

Copyright Family of Christ Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado