
By Katy Mariotti

Unknown Blessings

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

“‘Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.'”
Matthew 7:7 English Standard Version

Our cat used to almost never come in the kitchen. There was nothing for her there, nothing to see or do. Then one day when she happened to come in, my husband gave her a tiny piece of ham. After that, she started coming in a bit more often, such as when I made kids’ lunches for school in the mornings. If there was ham, I’d give her a little, since she’d sit there looking so pretty, staring at me.

THEN we discovered kitty sauces. They’re disgusting. They’re like pureed fish or other meats that look like smelly pink pudding. But the cat LOVES them. Now she’s in the kitchen all the time. She’ll come and sit on the stool that’s in there and stare at us, waiting for one of us to give her some kitty sauce. As it’s a special treat and not to be indulged in too often, we have to ask each other “Did the kitty already get some sauce today?” But if she hasn’t, we love to give it to her. She’s so happy to have it and because we love her, we love to make her happy. (The dog doesn’t mind it either, as he licks the bowl when she’s done).

If my husband had never let her try ham, or if we’d never discovered her favorite treat, she’d never have known to ask for it. She probably still wouldn’t come in the kitchen very often.

We don’t know what God has in store for us, but we do have the Bible and Jesus telling us to ask, to seek, to knock. I pray we remember to be like our cat sitting on the stool, asking God for what we need and trusting He has blessings in store for us.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado