By Rev. Aidan Moon
Being Prepared
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“And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming.”
1 John 2:28, English Standard Version
One morning this November, my dad and I were driving in the mountains when we paused before the road started to get a little sketchier. I snapped this picture before we decided it was time to put the chains on the tires before we got ourselves in too deep.
Being prepared is an important trait – I learned this in my couple of years in the Boy Scouts! And this season of Advent is all about being prepared for the coming of Christ – not just the first coming, the baby in the manger, but the second coming. How do we prepare for the coming of Jesus?
Scripture tells us that to make it through this time of the end, which we are already in according to scripture, being prepared doesn’t have to do with stockpiling food or keeping chains in our vehicles. Rather, it has to do with keeping watch. With staying patient. To do this, above all, means abiding in Christ. That is to say, as the day draws near, don’t lose heart! Stick close to Jesus! Stick close to his love! Listen to his word, come to his table, and receive all that he has to give. He won’t let go of you – stick close to him. There are plenty of other things for you to do in this season. But don’t forget this most important one.
But when you do, when you do get stuck in the cares and troubles of this world, when you do grow distracted and unprepared – call out to Jesus again. He’ll be there to get you back on the road – not to pull you out of the snow, but out of your own sin and back on the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Copyright Family of Christ Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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