
by Richelle Hecker

Jesus never fails.

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. 

I love this picture of my dogs. They were adopted at separate times and are about four years apart in age. You can tell which one is the older sibling by the look of annoyed tolerance on his face. His younger brother has him squished up against an exercise ball that’s against a wall. He cannot get close enough to his big brother to satisfy his needs. My older dog, Luke, allows this because he loves his little brother, Asher. Luke acts like this bothers him, but he mopes around the house when Asher isn’t there.

Family dynamics can be difficult. A strong healthy family has conflict and sibling rivalry; they just learn to manage it well and learn from their differences. Though my children argue with one another frequently, I am comforted by the knowledge that if anyone outside our family attempted harm to their sibling, they’d run quickly to their defense. There are unhealthy family dynamics as well. Though a family is designed to teach, grow, protect, and love one another, there are some that fail.

The same design exists within our Christian family. We are meant to love and pray for one another, laugh and weep together, and spur one another on to love and good deeds. At times we will encounter conflict, and we are directed to work it out as children of God, seeking reconciliation and healing.

Just as some families fail, some of our Christian community is bound to fail at times as well.  Unfortunately, sin enters our relationships and whether intentional or unintentional, it can result in hurt, pain, and loss. As Christian children, we are held accountable to Our Father’s precepts, but we are not perfect.

“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin,
    but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother”
Proverbs 18:24 New International Version 

Praise God that there is One who is perfect! Jesus is our friend and brother. Unlike my dog in the photo, He is happy to have us come close to Him and ask Him to meet our needs. His love never fails.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, CO

About Richelle Hecker

I am a mother of five, Army widow, speaker, podcaster and blogger. It is my desire to comfort others with the same comfort God continues to grant me.