by Desiree Bustamante
You are more valuable to God than you can imagine.
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“Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?”
Matthew 6:26-27 New Living Translation
Baby chicks became more valuable when calamity struck, and millions of chickens who were infected by Avian flu are no longer alive. Since there is a shortage of hens to lay eggs, prices have skyrocketed, and eggs are scarce in the marketplace. This has made chickens more valuable than they were when egg production was plentiful and prices were low. Now everyone sees baby chicks as valuable, while they wait for them to grow up and start producing eggs that will be plentiful and inexpensive again.
Our value to the world constantly changes. If we have great social media presence, are wealthy and stylish, or hold a position of importance, then the world loves us. But if our faith challenges the world’s mainstream beliefs or we don’t strive or possess power and wealth, then we are overlooked at best and ridiculed at worst. If we look to the world for acceptance, our worries and anxieties grow because the world’s view of us is ever-changing.
But your value to God never changes. Ever. He proved it when He sent His Son to die for your sins. You have no reason to worry that anything would diminish His love for you. You are a child of The King! He is loving and forgiving. Release your worries to your heavenly Father, for He loves you so much! He wants you to rest in Him, knowing that He will provide for your every need. God will always take care of you, blessing you far more than you can ever imagine.
Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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