By Pastor Don Schatz
Here We Go Again
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“And he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment.”
Revelation 21:6 English Standard Version
Recently, we have been remodeling our congregation’s parsonage. In the bathroom, we discovered that the previous worker, who had done his own remodeling, left something undone. A piece of wainscoting is missing. No one knew. It was hidden behind the shower curtain. Curious choice, no?
I have several unfinished projects at my house. Can you relate? They seem to multiply all on their own. But I have never tried to mask an unfinished project as finished. Perhaps I should say ‘masquerade’ rather than ‘mask!’
In my Christian tradition, today is the first Wednesday in Advent. We will gather with two other churches to worship. Our Advent genesis begins with the words of Jesus to the Apostle John: “It is done!” Such a proclamation seems to require bold-faced font. What a wonderful word, especially on the lips of our Savior. There is no “unfinished” when Jesus works. In fact, on his cross he cried, “It is finished!” Our salvation, our spiritual rescue, our forgiveness, indeed our very lives are given to us, assured in the words of Jesus: “It is done!” “It is finished!”
The Church Year Season of Advent is a new beginning to a retelling of the story of Jesus. It is a re-walking the way of Jesus in the Gospel accounts. It is a renewing of following Jesus. It is a recurring blessing of standing in fear and wonder with shepherds, of the sound of Mary’s cries in birth-giving, and kneeling again before the incredible love of God for us. It is done. But isn’t it wonderful to start the story all over again? Here we go again!
Advent Blessings.
Copyright Family of Christ Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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