
By Pastor Don Schatz

Let the Mountains Proclaim

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“Glorious are you, more majestic than the everlasting mountains.”
Psalm 76:4  New Revised Standard Version

Winter wraps the mountains in a glistening shroud of snow.  It is breathtaking.  I once flew into Portland, Oregon from the east. That approach takes you right to the north of Mt. Hood.   The mountain looked very much like it does in today’s photograph.  I looked out the plane window and it seemed as though the wing tip would touch the peak of the mountain.

As majestic as the mountain looked then and still looks now, the Lord God is more majestic than the mountain.  Any mountain.  All mountains.  We are correct to be overcome with awe at the wonder of God’s creation.  We can look upon a mountain’s snow-clad majesty and find ourselves praising God for his glory revealed in creation.  Glory!  Majesty!  Wonder!

Our faith inspires us to see the handiwork of God in the world around us.  It becomes instinctual to do so.  That is a good spiritual instinct.  I suggest it to you as today’s spiritual practice.  You might not have a mountain to inspire you where you live.  But God’s creation is all around you.  His majesty is evident to us in the smallest grain of sand to the mighty mountains.  Can you see his glory outside your windows?  Can you take a walk, or go for a drive, or slap on some skis or snowshoes and wander in the displayed glory and majesty of our God?

Do it.  It is good practice for praising him.  It increases our sensitivity to the evident wonder, glory and majesty all around us.  And all God’s people said, “Glory!”

Copyright Family of Christ Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado


About Don Schatz

I am a retired pastor and writer. I enjoy ministries of intentional spiritual practices which help people love and serve God, and love and serve the community. I am convinced such practices evidence the FULL LIFE that Jesus promises and the world needs.