God Nurtures

By: Elizabeth Haarberg

The Answer to Neglect

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking this SoundCloud link. 

The idea of family is great: two people have a child for which to love and care, modeling God’s love in an intimate setting. What happens, though, when that plan falls short due to divorce, death, or unseen circumstances? This may hit a nerve for some of you, so hang on. How do we get the nurturing we desire as an adult when childhood may have been lacking and there isn’t anyone around to love us as an adult? We turn to God.

“Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life.”
Isaiah 43:4 New International Version

God loves us so much that he would go to extremes for us. If we would pause long enough to receive the love that Jesus is pouring out on us, we would be so full of love we wouldn’t feel so abandoned or empty.

“All your children will be taught by the Lordand great will be their peace.”
Isaiah 54:13 New International Version

When we are full of God’s love, we are able to love others, letting the overflow of what we’ve received fill the cracks in someone else who is craving to be nurtured.

“We love because he first loved us.”
1 John 4:19 New International Version

Just wade in the water of God’s love, letting it seep in your pores, wanting to envelop you in the warmth of an embrace. God’s presence is the best nurturing we can receive, better than any human. We can always return for more from God. Jesus will never call us needy or make us feel ashamed for asking for more attention. Jesus loves when we ask for more; there’s more than enough for whatever we need.

Copyright Family of Christ Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Elizabeth Haarberg

Elizabeth Williams Haarberg lives in Kearney, Nebraska with her husband and four children. She has lived in many places but has found her true home with God.

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