by Kala Loptien
His Very Own
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Have you ever been part of a strategic planning meeting? Most involve goals, milestones and big dreams for the future. We probably do a version of this with our own lives. We try to coordinate all the work/school schedules, trips, precious time with friends and family in the coming weeks and months. It becomes rather difficult to calibrate schedules and forecast the future. There are so many factors. And then ultimately… life gets “lifey.” The reality is, change and challenges are inevitable. How are we handling the setbacks/plot twists/trials? The big question is: have we aligned our life plan with His?
When we look at God’s strategic plan–His big picture for all of creation–we see a couple constants:
1.) Jesus was, is and will be. He was there with Him from the beginning. 2.) None of His plans, prophesies or promises are coincidental; nor do they fall short of accomplishing His purposes. 3.) Best for last, and most importantly, everything centers around His Son.
Before the birth of our Savior, our long-range planning looked rather bleak. We were slaves to the law–a law we could never pass or fulfill. Righteousness was an unattainable goal. Impending judgment was the reality. But for those privy to the prophesies, trusting in His sovereign, redemptive plan; those remaining steadfast and trusting His Word hoped for what was and is.
“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.”
Galatians 4: 4-5 English Standard Version
The perfect amount of time had passed. One by one, the prophesies completed. Jesus, God’s own son, came to this world. He was born under the law, just like us. He lived a perfect life on our behalf; and then died a sacrificial death in our stead. We’ve been given new life as sons and daughters, with a clean record before God and a place next to our King. May our hopes and desires forever align with His great plan.
Copyright Family of Christ Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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