God’s Will Be Done

By Katy Mariotti

Whose Will Is It?

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.”
Proverbs 3:5-8 English Standard Version

When I was pregnant for the first time and learned I was having a girl, I was excited for so many reasons.  Being a girl myself, I thought of all the things we would do together and all the things I would teach her. I looked forward to pink and dresses. One of the things I was also excited about was doing my daughter’s hair.

I’ve always enjoyed doing hair, playing with styles and colors… I’ve done some extreme things with my own! I imagined styling my daughter’s hair: French braids, pigtails, fishtail braids, and more. You might be able to guess where this is going. We were blessed with a beautiful, intelligent, AMAZING daughter… who wants me to leave her hair alone. She learned to brush it herself at an early age. She wants to leave it down 95% of the time, and when she does need to put it up, like for dance class, she’s practicing putting it in a ponytail by herself. Occasionally she wants me to do something special, like when she’s wearing costumes or dressing up, and I relish those moments, like when she asked me to do this braided bun pictured here. But usually it’s hands off for Mom!

I think when I was younger and I pictured having a child, I imagined them as an extension of myself. My daughter taught me early on that she is not me. She is 100% her. And while sometimes it’s necessary to impose my will on her (for example, she must wash and brush her hair even if she doesn’t want to!) it’s her head, and she should do what makes her feel confident and comfortable.

It’s difficult when you want YOUR will to be done and that’s not the way it goes. I pray so often for things to go a certain way, the way I want, and it doesn’t happen. It makes me feel defeated and frustrated. But in the Bible we are encouraged to follow and accept God’s will. It’s not always easy, but when looking back, it’s always the best way. It helps to remember that God’s will will make our paths straight and will heal and refresh us. God’s will, even when it’s not ours, will always lead us to Him.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado