by Victoria Heinecke
God’s grace washes our sins away.
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For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight…”
Psalm 51:3-4a English Standard Version
When I visited the Hawaiian island of Maui, I loved taking walks along the beach behind our hotel. The sand was warm, and finely textured, and it felt good to wiggle my toes in it. Sometimes I’d walk in the the ocean as it washed up on the shore. The beach, buffeted by countless waves, was steep, and it was at times a challenge to keep my balance as I walked. As each wave washed up on the shore, my feet, and ankles, were pelted by small rocks and broken seashells. They stung and sometimes they’d hurt.
Then the wave would roll back to the ocean, taking all of nature’s shrapnel with it. The beach was momentarily pristine, covered with a smooth surface of finely textured sand.
This cycle repeats incessantly, day and night.
Sin is an incessant cycle as well. We are continually pelted by the consequences of our sin. Sometimes it stings. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes others are hurt as well.
But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.
1 John 1:9 New Living Translation
I can not ignore my sin anymore than I can ignore the rocks, and shells, swirling around my feet, while fighting to maintain my balance on the steep beach. At times it seems it would be easier to give in and let the ocean consume me.
By his death and resurrection, however, Jesus offers forgiveness and a new life to us. We still fight the waves, and sin still exists, but Jesus gives us the strength to get through each day. No matter how many reasons we give him not to love us, our sins are forgiven when we repent.
For a moment we can see ourselves as pristine, because that’s how God sees us.
Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church
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