
by Kala Loptien

An Attitude Adjustment

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This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 ESV

I love Thanksgiving. I know it’s already over. We’ve had a helping or two of turkey and carved out time to spend the week with people we love. With all the “be thankful” messaging, it’s hard not to focus on counting our blessings. I love Thanksgiving because it provides an intentional pause. We take a rare moment to slow down, enjoy each other and thank God for His provision. That’s awesome. So what about this week?

Are we already frantically finishing up Christmas shopping? Back at work and counting down the days until more time off? Too much on that perpetual to-do list? Maybe it’s deeper than that. Do we experience envy during the holiday season? Maybe we covet what others have — physical, emotional or spiritual gifts. Do we try to compete or prove our value? How have we already shifted to ungrateful hearts? How quickly we forget the truth about our condition: with Jesus, we lack nothing; without Jesus, we have nothing. Our life becomes a never-ending chase of the superficial; a masquerade; an empty lineup of dead ends and unfulfilled hearts.

True hope comes only from God our Father and His abiding love. True joy and contentment is knowing Jesus as Savior and Lord. True identity is rooted in being a child of God — daughters and sons of the King. In His providence, He surrounds us with a family of Believers and His Word continues to be a light unto our path.

As we turn our attention to the season of Advent and inch closer to a new year, let’s maintain an attitude of gratitude. Every day is a day the Lord has made. He has amazing plans in store. When we rise, we rejoice and ask Him to guide us. When we lay our heads down to rest, we thank him for every good and perfect gift He has given. We are His. Amen.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado


About Kala Loptien

Wife, mother, writer & photographer. I love capturing sweet moments and stunning scenery. But my all-time favorite role? Sharing God’s amazing grace and love.