By Pastor Steve Nickodemus
You are Everywhere I Go!
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“Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?
Psalm 139:7 English Standard Version
Have you ever felt “hemmed in” by God? That no matter where you go or what you do, He is watching you? David says, “Where shall I go from your Spirit?” No matter which way David turns, no matter where he goes, the Holy Spirit is there.
This could make you feel trapped and angry and guilty. God knows everything I am doing! Oh, no, He knows my every thought and word and action!
Or, and this is how David feels, it can make you feel secure and cared for and loved. For no matter where life may take me, no matter what danger I may fall into, no matter what circumstances I may be in today, the Lord is with me. He cares about me and He will not leave me.
The Lord has your back!
For this is not an angry, condemning God who judges me. This is a loving Father who sent His only Son into the world to die on a cross to forgive my sins. This is a loving Father who welcomes broken, hurting people and invites them into His family.
Our God will not leave us nor forsake us. He knows our every weakness and frailty and sin. He knows our heart’s desire and our loneliness and our pain. And in the midst of that, He loves us and forgives us for Jesus’ sake.
Lord, thank you that you know me and love me just as I am. I trust you and your love for me. Thank you that you watch over me! Amen.
Copyright Family of Christ Lutheran Church Colorado Springs, Colorado