His Majesty!

By Katy Mariotti

Bigger Than We Know

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

“Behold, to the Lord your God belong heaven and the heaven of heavens, the earth with all that is in it. Yet the Lord set his heart in love on your fathers and chose their offspring after them, you above all peoples, as you are this day.”
Deuteronomy 10:14-15 English Standard Version

I really love the night sky. I’ve always loved to stare up at the moon and the stars. And recently, when the aurora borealis was visible from as far south as Colorado?  I was so excited. It has long been a wish of mine to get to see them.  As the sky got dark I kept running outside, and every time I could see a glow of pink. I had heard from my sister that the color comes through better on a phone camera than with the naked eye, and when I took pictures with my phone quickly discovered she was right! I got the most beautiful pictures of pink on my phone. And later on, when my other sister texted to go out and look again because they could see the lights from their house, I went outside again. I could still see just the pink glow, but I could see a distinct line in the sky, and when I took a picture, wow! A bright pink beam! Even though I still want to see the Northern Lights more distinctly, I was thrilled.

I think the majesty of God is kind of like this. I don’t think our human understanding can comprehend really how huge and awesome God’s creation is or how amazing it will be. We get a taste of it in reading His Word, and in the gifts He gives us of love, joy, family, friendship, compassion, and so many other things. But I believe that when we get to Heaven, we will be blown away. We’re getting the pink glow, but someday our eyes will be opened to the beauty we can’t currently see. And how amazing is it that the God who has made the most amazing things that are BIGGER than we can imagine, made us and loves us too?

Thank you, God, for Your creation, Your love, and for the big things that we can’t comprehend and are yet to come!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado