How Sweet It Is!

Savoring the sweetness of God.

“You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.”

At the Farmer’s Market my kids begged me to please, please get the jar of honey with the comb in it. It was a little more expensive but a small price to pay for delight. My oldest pulled the comb out with her fingers. She held it up to the sunlight marveling at its perfectly constructed hexagons filled with glistening gold which, as you can see from the picture, was dripping down her hands. “Did bees really make this, mommy?”, delighted my middle girl, “How did they do that?” I gave them each a little piece of the comb to savor and when the honey was drunk from it they happily chewed on the wax.


“Reverence for the Lord is pure,
lasting forever.
The laws of the Lord are true;
    each one is fair.
 They are more desirable than gold,
    even the finest gold.
They are sweeter than honey,
    even honey dripping from the comb.”
Psalm 19:9-10 New Living Translation

There are many sweet gifts in this world that God has given to us to savor and to draw us into wonder. Every one of those gifts is meant to turn our hearts to the Maker, the source of all goodness and joy. In Psalm 19 David sings of his delight in God and all He has spoken in His Word. His experience was that everything His God had ever done, ever decreed, was sweeter, sweeter than honey from the comb.

Oh God, stir our wonder for your precious Words. Awaken our taste buds that we may savor Your presence. May our hearts cry out with David that You are the the Perfection we long for, sweeter than anything we have ever known. Amen.

Copyright photo and text Jennifer Brukiewa

About Jen Brukiewa

Encouraging others in their daily relationship with God is what I love most. I enjoy speaking and leading retreats, and meeting with women one on one as we flesh out His Word in our everyday lives. I also enjoy homeschooling, gardening, and chicken keeping. I'm a member of Holy Cross and live with my three daughters and my husband in Elbert, Colorado.