by Richelle Hecker
Jesus overcame the world!
You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.
Over Christmas break my kids and I played a lot of games. One game we played a few times was Risk. I am proud to announce that at the end of the break I was the household champion! Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean much. Risk is an interesting game because although it requires strategy, much is determined by chance. You can plan out all you want, but a bad roll of the dice can ruin you. The idea that I won more games this break purely due to my own skill is an illusion.
This picture my daughter took of the game pieces contains an illusion as well. The block that’s left of center appears to be floating in the air, or at best to be balanced precariously on the block below it. In reality that block was solidly placed and not about to fall.
Life is filled with illusions as well. We can work hard and with integrity making plans for our futures. Because our plans are wise and solid, there is an expectation that everything will fall neatly into place. What a shock it is when the unexpected redirects our plans. At other times it may seem like everything is up in the air or ready to fall apart any second, when in reality our situation is rock solid safe. The idea that we are in control is certainly an illusion, but the fact that God is in control is not.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 English Standard Version
Christ spoke these words just before one of the darkest moments in history. He knew that He would be arrested within hours and soon after crucified. His disciples would be scattered and fearful during this time. These words were spoken to reassure them that although everything appeared to be falling apart, in reality He was in complete control. He perceived the bigger picture and knew that these events had to happen in order to save the world.
Risk is just a game where we attempt to conquer the world. In reality, we have peace because Jesus already overcame it.
Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, CO
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