by Kala Loptien
The Tempest Seas
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Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”
Matthew 8:24-25 New International Version
I have some very close loved ones facing intense tribulation. The kind of trials that rock you. The kind that can cause you to question, to cry out in frustration and wonder what the future holds…
In Matthew, we read about the disciples, joining Jesus on the boat. Jesus was probably tired. He just spent a number of days healing various ailments — leprosy, demons and diseases. It’s there in the boat He finally rests. Meanwhile, a storm begins to brew. The storm is so intense that the waves are sweeping over the boat. Can you imagine this scene? My guess is there was some real chaos happening; probably some questioning and extreme fear. And Jesus is snoozing? They cry out to him, at this point in sheer panic.
In perfect, Jesus style, He hits them with a familiar question: “Why are you afraid?” At His command, all is calm. The disciples are stunned. Probably also a little humbled.
It’s incredible (and not coincidental) that we can so easily relate to the disciples. When the tempest seas of our fragile and flawed human existence encounter a storm of any kind, often our first response is panic. I know mine is! Not to mention, it’s much easier to provide encouragement to others when you aren’t the one in the midst of the raging sea.
I know the waves are crashing over you or someone you love right now. But don’t ever forget who is in the boat with you. He knows all the pain, frustration, fear, concern and doubt we are feeling. He hears our cries and knows we need Him. He wants us clinging with all our might so He can fill us with the comfort, peace and hope that only He can provide. And in His timing, at His command, the storm will calm.
Copyright Family of Christ Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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