by Rev Steve Nickodemus
The End of the Season.
You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven…”
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Well, it certainly is time. Time to take down the wreaths, put away the ornaments, take out the trees, and set aside the carols. Every year it is the same. Christmas comes with its joy, excitement, and wonder. We enjoy it in many different ways…and then the season is over.
“Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have that Christmas feeling all through the year?”, people say, but really there is a season for everything. There is a time to give presents, sing carols, and drink wassail…and there is a time to not do those things.
For there was a time for Jesus to be born…for the Word to be made flesh…for the Savior to come. There was a time for Him to suffer on the cross…die for our sins…be buried in the tomb. There is a time for the Lord to rise from the dead…to ascend to heaven…to come again in glory.
There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven. There is a time to rejoice at His birth, a time to grieve at His death, and a time to be exuberant at His resurrection. There are seasons in our lives…times of joy, times of sadness, and times of contemplation.
In every season, in every time in our life, the Lord is present. He is a God who was, who is, and who ever shall be. He is the Lord of every season, every mood, every feeling, and every experience.
Are you sad that Christmas is over? Yes, but the Lord will be with you in this new season of your life, and forever. Amen.
Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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