Not By Bread Alone

by Desiree Bustamante

Consume the nourishing Word of God.

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

This display of bread was for sale at a bakery in El Salvador. Bakers teach local youth to make bread that is then sold to the community. The profits are used to buy more baking supplies, and to provide an income for the bakers. Young people learn a skill that provides a living for them, and their families, while also feeding the community.

During that time the devil came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become loaves of bread.”
But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say,
‘People do not live by bread alone,
    but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Matthew 4:3-5 New Living Translation

After Jesus fasted for 40 days, he was more than hungry. I’m sure the thought of eating again consumed Him.  Satan took advantage of that in tempting Jesus, to use His power, to turn stones into bread, but Jesus always spoke to the spiritual aspects of life. He knew that people can’t live with only physical bread, and that the word of God was the ultimate nourishment for their souls.

“When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight.”
Jeremiah 15:16 New Living Translation

The bread in the bakery was formed into animal shapes to delight the customers, and to encourage them to buy their loaves. In the same way, as we discover God’s word through His book, those words crafted by the Holy Spirit will be our heart’s delight.

Although bread is important to sustain life in us, your soul is hungry for the Bread of Life. Spend some time consuming His words this week. You will be nourished more than you can imagine.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Desiree Bustamante

I'm married to Steve and work in fundraising for Compassion International. My joy is to deliver encouragement in all of life's situations to the body of Christ and to those yet to be.