Secure In His Leading You Higher

Secure In His Leading You Higher

 Forever Higher in Him. “You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.” Climbing rock formations and wildflower covered hills to the highest reachable points is breathtaking. It’s exhilarating to go higher and higher to get to a mountain top, or the edge of a rock cliff, to photograph the magnificent views or see whatever […]

Gravity Works

Gravity Works

God’s blessings flow like a cascading river. You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. “He split open the rocks in the wilderness to give them water, as from a gushing spring. He made streams pour from the rock, making the waters flow down like a river!”  Psalm 78:15-16 New Living Translation Gravity […]

Here Comes the…Rain?

Here Comes the…Rain?

By clicking on this SoundCloud link you can listen to today’s PWTE devotion “Sing to the LORD with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp. He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills.” Psalm 147:7 New International Version The average rainfall in […]