

God’s grace works as we add candles to our birthday cakes. You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. What is it about birthday candles that are so mesmerizing? Are the candles themselves hypnotic, or is it what they represent? Is it the hope of a wish coming true? Is it […]

PWTE Podcast Episode 027: Faithful

PWTE Podcast Episode 027: Faithful Play in new window | DownloadPastor Doug Brauner is joined by his brother-in-law, Steve Nickodemus, In this episode of the Praying With Eyes podcast. The previous day Steve had buried his 98-year-old father with whom he had lived for the past year and a half. They share memories and talk about what it takes […]

Drinking Deeply

Drinking Deeply

God’s kindness flows even when we rebel. You can listen to today’s podcast by clicking on this SoundCloud link. I wonder if this stream, pouring out of the mountains, looks like the water that flowed out of the rock at Meribah in Numbers 20. You might remember the story. The people complain to Moses about […]