Seven Good Things about Having Cancer (Part 1) – Gerald Givens

Seven Good Things about Having Cancer (Part 1) – Gerald Givens

Photo: William Franklin “Cancer Sucks” Experiencing grace through the gift of others. A few days ago Pastor Doug asked if I would you consider writing a blog that reflects on my journey through cancer. I had been trying to do that for some time – each effort ended without meaningful result.  I realized […]

The Right Path: From Guilt to Hope

The Right Path: From Guilt to Hope

Forgiveness has the power to create hope even for parents. You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” Proverbs 22:6 New Living Translation  I have often struggled with this passage from Proverbs. It evokes two different […]

Seeing with (im)Perfect Clarity

Seeing with (im)Perfect Clarity

Though we cannot fully see God now, the day is coming when we will see his full glory. You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial […]