Dressing for Protection

Dressing for Protection

God provides spiritual clothing for His children. You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this Soundcloud link. When I was in Tanzania recently visiting Compassion projects, I was surprised to see infants and toddlers wearing knit caps and sweaters and wrapped up in blankets. Being five degrees from the equator keeps it comfortable and […]

In The Night Watches

In The Night Watches

You have been my help. You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this Soundcloud link. I woke before dawn a few days ago. It’s easier to do this time of year since Daylight Savings Time hasn’t ended. I was amazed by the brilliant sunrise with which God greeted me, as if to declare […]

Safe in the Cactus

Safe in the Cactus

Taking us under His wing. You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. This cactus was seven feet tall when my husband needed to trim it down so we could paint our house. In the middle of the cactus, invisible to us until it was cut away, was this nest perched […]