

by Richelle Hecker Jesus overcame the world! You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. Over Christmas break my kids and I played a lot of games. One game we played a few times was Risk. I am proud to announce that at the end of the break I was the […]

Casting Lots

Casting Lots

by Richelle Hecker Trusting God in Every Circumstance. You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. “The lot is cast into the lap, But its every decision is from the Lord” Proverbs 16:33 New American Standard Bible Most of my life has demonstrated the wisdom of Proverbs 16:33. The proverb above discusses how we […]

The Glorious Plan

The Glorious Plan

by Desiree Bustamante The Real Nativity Was Far From Regal, Yet Full of Love. You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. “And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, […]