Safe in the Cactus

Safe in the Cactus

Taking us under His wing. You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. This cactus was seven feet tall when my husband needed to trim it down so we could paint our house. In the middle of the cactus, invisible to us until it was cut away, was this nest perched […]

Secure Footing

Secure Footing

When God directs our steps. You can listen to today’s devotional by clicking on this SoundCloud link. It’s practically a Christian cliche. We hear often and we know that it is true, that we ought to let God direct our steps. Most of the time when I say this, I mean to imply that I’m […]

A Place At The Table

A Place At The Table

Where we belong. You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. Our family entered a time of preparation recently. We are adopting a child from China. Like many families who enter the adoption process, nothing truly prepared us for the necessary paperwork, the document search, the notaries, and all of the […]