by Pastor Douglas Brauner
An Invitation to All Sinners
You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.
2026 will not only be the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States of America, but it will also be the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Greasy Grass, better known as the Battle of Little Big Horn.
I’ve recently taken an interest in the history of the American Wild West. Inevitably, the expansion westward created a major clash between Indigenous people and settlers. Atrocities were committed by both cultures, as well as acts of charity. This devotion is not an attempt to lay blame on one culture or the other, but to state that in conflict there is always one consistent fact. People are responsible.
Life is muddy. Life is broken. Life is painful.
Humans want to blame someone for the pain, brokenness, and muddiness of life, ultimately pointing the finger at God for if God were God, he would not let people think or act cruelly with each other. In the season of Lent, we take a unique perspective on life’s struggles. We don’t blame God or point the finger at other people. It’s time to look deep inside of ourselves and realize that we are responsible for why life is muddy, broken, and painful.
I am responsible.
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.“
Matthew 11:28 English Standard Version
In looking deep inside of ourselves we hear Jesus’ invitation to come. It is Jesus who holds out his hand to you and me inviting us to come into his presence and find rest from this muddy, broken, and painful life for which we are responsible. We hear his words of forgiveness from the cross for the people who are responsible for sin.
Jesus’ invitation is for you, for your family, yes, and even for your enemies. It is meant for all regardless of culture and status. It is a call to hold on to the hand that reaches out to us and find clarity, healing, and peace in his presence.
Copyright Family of Christ Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado