The Importance of Rest

By Katy Mariotti

Be Still

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“And he said, ‘My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.'”
Exodus 33:14 English Standard Version

With the new school year starting, as well as my husband about to start a new job, I find that my mind is racing all the time. “I need to get things on the calendar,” “Who’s going to drive who where?,” “How will we have the time to do all the things?,” “What else can we fit in?”  Our society is all about that: go go go!

On a recent trip to the mountains I was on a little hike with my family. Even on a hike there was my busy mind: “I need to make sure the kids stay on the path,” “Don’t lean on that thing it’s not sturdy enough,” “Is everyone together?,” “After this we’ll get back in the car and drive to the next place…” and, and, and.  My kids both have their own cameras and while my mind was racing, they’d stopped because they wanted to take pictures of this beautiful little stream. I myself hadn’t even seen it! But there it was, all green and lovely, so I took a picture too.

Despite what our society is like, the Bible mentions rest often. Jesus was all about it! He encouraged His disciples to take quiet time, to rest and take care of themselves. Jesus took naps: remember the fateful boat ride with the storm? God encouraged Elijah to rest when he was having a hard time. And God Himself, of course, even rested after creating the world.

Even when I’m resting sometimes I’m not really resting, just like the hike that should have been restful, or when I’m resting at home and start looking at my phone and responding to emails and making plans. But our bodies and our minds need rest. God tells us this, and I have to remind myself that when I’m worried or trying to figure things out, it helps to rest and start anew with a fresh and peaceful mind.

I pray for all of us today that God grants us the rest we need, and that we remember our rest is in Him!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado