by Kala Loptien
The Reason
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The Lenten road we’re traveling is one marked with anticipation, preparation, contrition and reflection. As Followers of Christ, there’s a bittersweet familiarity with the season. Our foreheads were marked with the symbolically-charged dark dust as we began our journey to the cross. In the book of John, the timeline leading up to His arrest helps us understand, yet also stand in awe of Jesus and His road home. Here’s a quick snapshot:
Jesus predicts His death; washes His disciples’ feet; predicts both betrayal and denial; comforts His disciples; promises the Holy Spirit; provides fair warnings about abiding and the hatred of the world; offers encouragement regarding the work of the Spirit and grief becoming joy. Then…He prays to be glorified; with a final prayer for His disciples and all believers.
“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.”
John 17:20 New International Version
What follows we know all too well. Sometimes I want to push it aside so not to feel all those deep and heavy feelings that come with knowing “it was my sin that held Him there.” But that’s foolish. We are the reason He came to the world. We are the reason He proclaimed the Good News. We are the reason He suffered, died and rose again victoriously. We need that simmering awhile.
And as we view our own road home, it is our turn to proclaim that HE is the reason. He is the reason we have breath in our lungs and love in our hearts. He is the reason we believe in His saving grace. He is the reason we want to serve our neighbors, abide in His word and continue the great commission so every knee shall bow and each tongue confess. We know our place is already prepared in our true home. Let’s make sure that timeline — that road leading us there — is one marked with milestones that bring Him glory since He is our reason. Amen.
Copyright Family of Christ Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado