The Safe Place

by Kala Loptien

Disarming Fear

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You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Psalm 32:7 English Standard Version

The first night our daughter arrived was, well, terrifying. She met us once before. Briefly. Her world was in disarray, and she knew it: numerous transitions, hardships, lonely nights, scary grownups and now another new place.

After dinner that first night, she wanted to go for a ride on the scooter through our neighborhood. One major tumble on the scooter, and our scared little girl took off running. Picture this: a 5-year old, still in a fancy dress-up dress and sandals, in a dead sprint across a heavily-trafficked street, with two grown adults racing to catch her.

After a solid half mile or more, we were able to coax her to pause, take some breaths, and eventually disarmed her fear. Her little heart and head recognized the area. We lived near a childcare facility that was once a safe haven and respite for her. Now, when she’s hurting, she runs straight for our embrace; but we’ll never forget that first night.

We all want to run to that safe place, don’t we? Fear is powerful. Our heart and soul long to run as fast as we can to find respite from a world filled with trouble. King David became a pro at running. We see it throughout Samuel and the Psalms. He runs for his life, evading enemies from all angles. Ultimately, he knows the Lord is his stronghold, hiding place and deliverer.

How do we react in times of fear, trouble and chaos? Where are we running? God tells us over and over to come to Him. He (and only He) is the true source of rest, peace, mercy and new life. He is the only Disarmer of all fear. May we continue running to Him, as fast as we can, each and every day.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Kala Loptien

Wife, mother, writer & photographer. I love capturing sweet moments and stunning scenery. But my all-time favorite role? Sharing God’s amazing grace and love.