By Kala Loptien
The Constant
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“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8 English Standard Version
Life is a lot like March. Soaking up the sun one day, jacket free. The next day, wicked winds, snow and extra layers. Other days, its snow and sunshine! Unpredictable. Fickle. Sounds a lot like life on earth, right? One moment we’re riding high on that mountaintop, enjoying the view. The very next second, we’re walking a dark valley. The world shifts. People change. Trials happen. Plans fail. Sometimes, these happen for the better. Other times, the opposite is true. We are often adjusting to a new normal. Too often, though, we get swept up with the current of what society/our culture deems is the “new normal.” What?
If we’re true Followers of Jesus, the truth does not shift. There are not amendments or adjustments to God’s Word. He was, is and will be the same, always. There’s no variation. It should be comforting that we always have a solid foundation and steadfast rock for which to always cling. Instead of an unsettled feeling of chaos, questions, compromise and change (that the world offers), our souls find rest in the stability, consistency and unconditional love of our God. His Word is the Guide to Life. We know who we are, where we stand and what we are called to do. We know the expectations. Too often, we as humans attempt to stretch the truth in order to fit whatever agenda or justification we need to feel better. Sounds about right?
Now, for the incredibly good, (scratch that) best news ever: God loved us in spite of our condition. It’s the kind of love we struggle to truly grasp. We were, are and will be sinners. God knew we needed Him. Our Savior took it all on His shoulders; and here we stand — free, redeemed, reconciled people. In a world that’s tumultuous and unpredictable, we can remain confident of this: our Lord and His Word are the same yesterday, today and forever. We are His.
Copyright Family of Christ Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado