By Rev Don Schatz
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“Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired out by his journey, was sitting by the well. It was about noon.”
John 4:6, New International Version
Jesus was tired, and it wasn’t even Maundy Thursday. The road was long. The dust was swirling. The demands of the people were exhausting, and Jesus and his disciples were on foot. It was only noon, but they had been on the road for a while. Jesus was tired, and he took a seat. I feel that same way more often than I would like.
An old Zinfandel vine is ready for a winter’s rest. It doesn’t look as if it’s resting, but don’t be fooled. Therein lies great promise, the hope of new life and great wine.
So Jesus, resting next to Jacob’s well, is still full of promise for us. Not just because he soon would engage the Samaritan woman in a life-saving conversation, but Jesus’ finding rest at the well, sitting in a worn-out slump, is in and of itself full of promise. Promise for the Samaritan woman. Promise for us.
Are you tired today? So was Jesus, for you. Jesus rouses himself not just to engage a woman in conversation, but to give her the water of life. That ministry immediately impacted her, but it was also ministry for and to us. Jesus never tires of loving you, of serving you, or of engaging you as you practice his presence in prayer. Jesus puts himself in your life today, in every place and time, before you even get there. So, he will be there when you need him, and you will. You can bank on it.
He is already there for you. Jesus fills the day before you, giving powerful context to his name, Immanuel. Jesus is with you today. He’s at rest, content to be in your life.
Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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