By Katy Mariotti
God Never Fails
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“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6:9 English Standard Version
I recently went on a field trip with my son. All over the location there were “do not climb” signs except for this one ladder, which people were allowed to climb. One little girl climbed it and then realized when it was time to come back down that she was terrified, and an adult had to lift her down the ladder. When she got to the bottom, she came over to me and almost immediately said that she was going to get back in line and try again. I was amazed at her resilience. If something had scared me as a child, I think my first instinct would have been “nope, not doing that again!”
Earlier this week I was thinking about Thanksgiving, about how grateful I am for the little things and big things in my life. I thought wow, I’m grateful for my family, for my home, for my job, for the smell of apple pie baking in the oven. But I also realized that I was having a good day, so it was easy to find all the things I’m grateful for. When days are harder, and we’re experiencing difficulty, it’s much harder to feel grateful. When things are harder, it can be difficult not only to feel grateful, but to follow all of God’s commandments and wishes for us.
My husband and I just had a conversation about how hard it can be to trust God’s path for us, and he said “but we can try.” God wants us to keep trying, even when it’s hard, even when we fail. And the good news is that God always has us. That little girl on the ladder? After talking to her, I discovered that she thought the ladder wasn’t attached to anything, that it was just leaning on its own and it could fall down. Though she had decided to try again before I told her, once I told her it was attached, she was much more confident.
God has us. Even though we will fail, we can keep trying, because God’s love never fails, and He sent His only son Jesus as atonement for us. I pray on this Thanksgiving that we can feel grateful for all God has blessed us with, most importantly for sending His Son Jesus. Amen!
Copyright Family of Christ Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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