
By Katy Mariotti

Love Unchanging

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8 English Standard Version

Where I live in Colorado, it can get pretty cold. Not the coldest place on earth, but definitely not the warmest. The day I took this picture was the first day this year that we got down into single digits. I had to send the picture to my best friend who lives in Arizona and does NOT like cold weather.

How often do you feel affected by the weather? In our modern times most of us don’t have to deal with the elements on an everyday basis. It might have been six degrees outside but inside the car I was driving it was nice and toasty. I came home to a warm cozy house. Yet we are still affected by weather and outside elements. Cold weather can freeze pipes, rain can cause flooding, hurricanes and tornadoes can destroy homes. Look at the wind and fires in California that have caused such devastation.

What outside elements are making you feel tossed about right now? Is it the weather? Is it your job? Is it something someone said? Is it illness? Life is going to throw things at us; the weather of our lives is constantly changing. I am so grateful that we have a God who is always the same.  A God who loved us so much that He sent His Son Jesus: Jesus who died on the cross for us and is still alive today. That love never changes.

Let’s thank God today for His unchanging love that is always there no matter what the weather!

Copyright Family of Christ Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado