Dealing with the Irritation of Expectations

by Elizabeth Haarberg

Finding God’s Purpose in Celebrating Christmas

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

The irritation in this season is high for me. The energy to decorate, purchase, and party is too much at times. However, it’s easy to justify my annoyance as supreme spirituality, to see myself as higher than others because ‘I get it’ and they don’t.

“Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.”
Ecclesiastes 7:9

“…be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.”
Titus 2:2

Yes, the distraction of the commercialization of Christmas is real and yes, taking our eyes off Jesus in the name of ‘celebrating’ his birthday is undeniable. But, my response is equally defiant.

The default reaction away from irritation is always love. Finding ways to love and be on common ground with those around us is more important than proving a point or being right.

The nature of Christmas is emotional. Some are affected because of the weight of the spiritual impact Jesus has had on their lives, others want to avoid the subject and focus on other elements.

The good news is that we can celebrate Jesus every day. His birth, life, death and impact on the world is for every second of the day. Connecting with Him in the chaos of celebrating His life is a treat. Just stopping in the middle of decorating, parties, and shopping to thank Him is something we can all do wherever we are.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Thessalonians 5:16-18

I’ve repented for my bad attitude about decorating and distractions in December. Connecting with others is the main objective moving forward. Jesus had a way of connecting with others even if they distracted Him from His original purpose.

There is a balance in the season though. Focusing too much on the commercial distractions and gift giving is not life giving. It can lead to disconnection from God’s purpose and create a false sense of relationship.

Rest and enjoy the upcoming season but remain vigilant in how and where you put your energy and attention. Merry Christmas!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado


About Elizabeth Haarberg

Elizabeth Williams Haarberg lives in Kearney, Nebraska with her husband and four children. She has lived in many places but has found her true home with God.