The Pain of the Hard Way

The Pain of the Hard Way

By: Elizabeth Haarberg The Easy Way You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking this SoundCloud link. Sometimes the easy way out feels like the right answer. The problem with easy is it is never as easy as it looks. When we make commitments to someone then change our minds later, the dominoes that fall […]

How Do We?

How Do We?

By: Elizabeth Haarberg To React or Let it Go You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking this SoundCloud Link. When experiencing conflict, there are choices: to engage or not. If we engage, we can fight or remain peaceful. Not engaging can also look a few different ways such as forgiving so we can move […]

Love is a Miracle

Love is a Miracle

By Elizabeth Haarberg Love is Non-Negotiable You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking this SoundCloud link. In the story of Judas betraying Jesus in Matthew 27, Judas takes thirty pieces of silver in return for handing Jesus over to the leaders of the Jews. When Judas sees Jesus in captivity, he immediately regrets what […]