Be Still

By Katy Mariotti

Take a Moment

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

“Be still and know that I am God”
Psalm 46:10, English Standard Version

I’m sorry if you are a person who gets tired of dog pictures.  It might seem like I take a lot of pictures of my dog, but to be honest, it’s easy to take his presence for granted.  He’s just always there and I go about my day without really taking notice most of the time,

With Christmas break being over, all of my activities and obligations are beginning again and I’m struggling a little with it.  I love all of the things I do.  I’m so blessed that all the jobs I do are things that I love- things that involve music and working with people that I really enjoy being around.  But I still miss the uninterrupted time with my family and time to rest.  My schedule takes a lot of coordination and right now I am struggling to find the energy to throw all those balls I juggle back in the air.

When I took this picture of my dog I was between things… picking up my kids from my parents’ house after work so I could take them home and then leave for a rehearsal.  I was thinking about what I needed to do.  I was thinking about how I was kind of disappointed because my kids had had a snow day and I didn’t get to spend it with them.  But suddenly there was this little face staring up at me and I’m glad I took a moment to see him and notice him.

How often do we take a moment to be still?  To notice the faces around us and all the blessings that surround us?  I need to remember to be still.  To be still and know that God is God no matter what the chaos in our lives is.  To be still and find my rest in the Lord.  May my dog’s little face be a reminder to us all to be still!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado