Cleaned Away

By Pastor Steve Nickodemus

All Washed Away!

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking this SoundCloud link

“… the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”

1 John 1:7b New International Version

I showed up Saturday morning at the church to discover that someone had brought a whole grocery cart full of stolen packaged food and opened all if it in our main entrance and left much of it spilled over the concrete.  What a mess!

I will admit that I struggled for a few minutes with my feelings about cleaning up someone else’s mess.  But the work needed to be done and so two of us filled up garbage bags, scraped up food off the concrete, and mopped everything down.  The mess was gone and the entrance was open!

This is what God did for us.  Our lives were a mess of our own making.  We had sinned and sullied our souls and made a royal mess of our lives and our eternity.  But our Lord did not leave us in our filth and squalor.  Into the mess He sent His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ who cleansed us with His own blood.  His perfect life, poured out on the cross, washed away all our guilty stains.

He didn’t have to do this.  He was not responsible for our sin and self destruction.  But in His mercy, He willingly gave up His life to cleanse us from all sin.  And for all who would receive Him, who would admit that they have sinned and have fallen short of His righteousness, there is cleansing in His blood and forgiveness.

Is your life a mess of your own making?  Understand this, Jesus Christ has died for you and His blood can make you clean.  For all who would receive Him, there is cleansing in His blood.  All your sins are washed away and you are given a new beginning and an entrance into God’s presence and fellowship with Him and all His people forever. Praise the Lord!  We are washed in His blood!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church Colorado Springs, Colorado


About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.