
by Desiree Bustamante

God’s will is done with the defeat of Satan.

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. 

“The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.” Romans 16:20 New Living Translation

Before any war, soldiers must strategically prepare for battle. Suits of armor, swords, tactical training and a courageous and skilled leader are essential to triumph over an adversary. When the Israelites conquered enemy kings, they would symbolize their great victory by putting their feet upon their necks. This was a crushing blow to the defeated and their nation.

We know as believers in the Lord Jesus that Satan has been decisively defeated in the death and resurrection of Christ. He has already won the victory for us and dealt a fatal blow to the kingdom of darkness.

Yet we know that there is a battle being fought by Satan here on earth for the souls of the people. Nation conspires against nation, egotistical and power-hungry rulers oppress their people, man-made beliefs attempt to suppress the one true God. Though evil seems to be winning, God promised that Satan is doomed.

He is defeated now by Christ through Christians who believe and speak the Word of God. He outfits us with His armor as we fight the fight of faith and stand our ground in His righteousness. Our labors in the Lord will never be in vain. Our love for the Lord will never return empty. Every victory God wins for us right now is a preview of Satan’s destruction.

God is the God of peace. As His followers we have God’s peace now, but we will experience ultimate peace gained through Satan’s decimation.

Satan will finally be vanquished and thrown into the Lake of Fire never to deceive or torment the world again. God does the crushing, but Satan ends up under the feet of believers. Until the final glorious victory comes, God gives us grace for a long battle. But God said this will happen soon, yet two thousand years have gone by. His time is not our time. He is not slow to fulfill his promise but is uniquely patient, because He wants everyone to have time to repent and experience salvation.

Until then, God asks us to live a life pleasing to Him while looking forward to the ultimate day of victory in Christ.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Desiree Bustamante

I'm married to Steve and work in fundraising for Compassion International. My joy is to deliver encouragement in all of life's situations to the body of Christ and to those yet to be.