
by Richelle Hecker

Tear them down and improve your view!

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

I took this picture because the beautiful sunset was reflected on the clouds. It was nearing the end of a very good day, and I wanted to remember it. Later, when I examined the snapshot, I noticed things I hadn’t seen at first sight. Fences and trees are deliberately placed between me and that sunset. Those man made obstacles obstructed the fullness of my view.

I understand that those things have a purpose. They protect travelers from snowdrifts, serve as wind breaks, reduce erosion, and keep livestock safely contained. It is true that I enjoyed the sunset with them there, but I also wonder what spectacular beauty I miss due to man made interruptions.

 And Jesus uttered a loud cry, and breathed His last. And the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. When the centurion, who was standing right in front of Him, saw the way He breathed His last, he said, “Truly this man was the Son of God!”
Mark 15:37-39 New American Standard Bible

The veil between God and us was torn in two at the death of Jesus. At that moment, people and God were no longer separated by the penalty of sin. God ripped that obstruction apart. His desire is that nothing separates us from the fullness of Him.

Still, how many of us attempt to build new obstructions between ourselves and God? Sometimes we fail to notice the fences we put up.  Injured by sins against us, or by circumstances beyond our control, we build obstacles around us presumably for our own protection. Our view of God is still there, but the fullness of who He is becomes obscured.

These obstacles we design are a result of fear. We do not trust God to wholly protect and care for us, so we devise ways to do this for ourselves. Today, I encourage you to step back and examine your view of God. Ask Him to help you tear down anything that divides you from Him. Trust Him to care for you, and fully enjoy your relationship with Him.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Richelle Hecker

I am a mother of five, Army widow, speaker, podcaster and blogger. It is my desire to comfort others with the same comfort God continues to grant me.