Firm Foundation

Accept No Substitutes!

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“For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
1 Corinthians 3:11

Let me introduce you to Angel, one of the concrete crew that laid the foundation for our new house.  Angel is in his 60s and he knows what he is doing.  The footing and the stem wall have been carefully planned and poured.  A firm foundation has been laid for a solid house. Angel knows that it’s crucial for everything else that will follow.

firm-foundationI wonder if you and I are as wise as Angel.  Not about house foundations, but about life foundations.  What is your life built upon?  Is it built on something that will last?  Is it built on something that will hold firm when storms come?  Is it built on something you can depend on when all else fails?

Jesus Christ is our firm foundation.  He is the Chief Cornerstone, the sure Rock, the Foundation that holds firm in the storms of life.  If your life is built upon the Lord Jesus, upon His cross and resurrection, upon His sure Word, you need not fear whatever may come.  No matter what may come, grief, pain, betrayal, persecution, even death, your Foundation will hold.

There is no substitute for a good foundation.  This is not the place to take shortcuts or try to save money.  Good concrete, good rebar, good workmanship, there is no substitute for a good house foundation.

And the same is true for the foundation of your eternal life.  Only One can be trusted, only One was good enough, only One could pay for your sin and open heaven for you.  Jesus Christ, the sure Foundation, accept no substitute!

Lord Jesus, thank you that I can always depend upon You.  Forgive me when I think someone or something else could ever supplant you in my life.  I rest upon you this day and I know You will not fail me.  Thank you, Lord. Amen.

Text and Picture Copyright Steve Nickodemus


About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.