Giving It All Up

By Pastor Steve Nickodemus

Too Comfortable?

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“But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.”
Philippians 3:7 New International Version

Jasper the beagle looks unbelievably comfortable in this picture, as if he has truly arrived at the height of prestige and ease.  He had to work hard to get to where he is resting!

Is that a picture of you?  Have you worked hard to get to where you are now?  Have you worked your whole life to have financial security, a nice house, a great looking truck, a fine reputation?  Or perhaps you have spent much time developing a sharp mind, a learned education, a prestigious job, a comfortable life style.

Whatever you have gained, none of it compares with knowing Jesus Christ, having salvation in Him,  walking with Him, being forgiven in Him.  Nothing can compare to His love, His joy, His peace.  Nothing can ever measure up to the freedom and the closeness and the life in Him.

Paul says that whatever he had gained in his life, he considers it all a loss in comparison with Jesus Christ.  If he had no earthly gain but had Jesus, he would consider himself a rich man.

Perhaps it is time for some reassessment of your position in life.  Perhaps you need to have a reset in your priorities and your values, in what you value most.  If you do not have Jesus, you have nothing of any real value.  If you do have Jesus, you have everything you truly need.

It is not easy to let go of our comfortable, secure little world we have built up around us.  But in Jesus we find true riches, true wisdom, true value, true family, true security, true peace.

Lord Jesus, you are everything to me.  Thank you for giving me all things.  Forgive me for my lack of right priorities.  You are my Treasure and my Refuge and my Joy!  Amen.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.