Going Fishing?

By Pastor Steve Nickodemus

Out To the Deep Water

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“Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.”
Luke 5:10b New International Version

What are you used to doing in your life?  What is a familiar job or hobby for you?  For Peter the fisherman, fishing was a familiar and comfortable job and way of life. Perhaps you have a similarly familiar and comfortable job.

But what happens to Peter as he is going about his familiar and comfortable work?  Jesus shows up.  And in the space of a few minutes and a miraculous catch of fish, Jesus challenges Peter to follow Him and to no longer catch fish, but instead fish for people.

No wonder Jesus tells Peter, “Don’t be afraid!” This is uncharted territory for Peter, unfamiliar undertakings, deep waters.  No longer will he be able to rely on his learned skills and abilities; now he will have to rely on Jesus.

Perhaps this is what Jesus is challenging you to do right now, to go out into uncharted waters; to follow Him where you have never gone before; to witness and minister in ways that are beyond your skills and abilities and comfort level; to venture into new relationships and ways of doing things that have great potential but cause you to be afraid, very afraid.

This is where Jesus challenges you and me to follow Him, not in familiar, easy tasks that we are used to handling, but out into deep waters where we will need to rely on Him every stroke of the way.  Do not be afraid.  Follow Jesus!

Lord Jesus, you challenge me every day to follow You.  I confess I am often afraid.  Please forgive me for not trusting You.  I will follow You wherever You lead me.  Amen.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorad90

About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.

1 comments on “Going Fishing?

  1. I must have needed to hear this today because I never thought of this story in this manner. It makes total sense! I’m in a transition period with my role at my company and I’m very anxious; I keep taking it back from God. I just need to let Him handle it. Thank you for allowing God to share these words!

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