Incline Reflections: Hope

by Victoria Heinecke

The substance of things not seen.

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

Guide me in your truth and teach me,
    for you are God my Savior,
    and my hope is in you all day long.

Psalm 25:5 New International Version

The scene at the top of the steps at the Manitou Incline is generally one of celebration. Hikers give high five slaps to one another, while others are encouraging those on the steps to press on, because they’ve almost made it to the top.

Or have they?

It turns out that the top of the steps is also known as a “false summit;” many who finish the steps turn to the left and head down Barr Trail back into Manitou Springs. However, there is a path in the clearing, and with a little more climbing, one can reach the true summit of Rocky Mountain, on whose flank are the steps of the Incline.

It’s not that people intentionally give up on the hike, but an even more wonderful surprise awaits when the hiker presses on. Pikes Peak is just up ahead, and I’ve heard that the views from the true summit are awesome. You’ve heard correctly: I have never reached the summit of the mountain. I lost sight of the trail and took another path instead.

When we have hope, we can’t always see the promise that lies ahead of us; in this case, the spectacular views above the trees. However, when we are oriented with the trail, we know where to go without getting lost. We don’t always know what we’ll encounter at the end of the trail, and that is part of the adventure of life.

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
Hebrews 10:23 New International Version

We often cannot see what lies ahead in our faith walk with God, but the Bible records that, time after time, when God makes a promise, he keeps it. Even when we veer off the path, he will guide us back to himself when we call out to him.  He will never forsake us, because Jesus paid the price for our sins, and when we reach the end of the path, eternal life with him is an indescribable wonder.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Victoria Heinecke

Victoria lives in Colorado with her husband, Jon. She is a Certified Personal Trainer and works at an area fitness center. She and Jon sing with the Colorado Springs Chorale and Orbital Harmony. A lifelong baseball fan, one of her goals is to see a game at every major league ballpark. She also enjoys fitness boxing, art, music and travel, and loves exploring the natural beauty of her home state.