Oh, That Our Hearts Would Burn!

by Rev Douglas Brauner

The miracle of faith.

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“Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?”
Luke 24:32 English Standard Version

Two of Jesus’ disciples were headed out of town, headed for another city seven miles from Jerusalem. Luke never mentions why they left town, but he does mention what they were discussing.

Their lives had changed as fast as lightning streaks across the sky. The One in whom they put their hope was dead. How does anyone make sense of what has happened. Only a few days earlier the crowds had shouted, “Hosanna,” which turned to “Crucify him, Crucify him!” a few days later. He was dead, no mistake about it.

At least that’s what they thought, until earlier in the morning the day of their journey. Women had reported that the grave was empty. They had seen angels who told them he was alive.

These men had something to talk about in the privacy of their journey.

As they plodded along in the haze of their confusion, a third cord (Ecclesiastes 4:12) wrapped himself into their conversation and asks, “What are you discussing?” Jesus allowed them to express what they experienced, then opened the Scriptures to them. Later that evening he broke bread and revealed himself as the One, the One who was crucified, the One who has risen.

Then he’s gone. He disappears from their sight.

“Did not our hearts burn…?” Were they angry, confused, or joy-filled? Did they swing from one emotion to the next? Did they rub their eyes, and wonder if they had really seen the risen Christ?

Somewhere on the journey back to Jerusalem, in the covering of darkness, they believed. The miracle of the resurrection had turned to the miracle of faith. What were the first words they spoke to the eleven disciples on their return? “The Lord has risen indeed!”

Somewhere along the journey of life, the risen Savior meets us. He opens the Scriptures to us. He breaks bread with us, and so we proclaim with these two disciples, “The Lord is risen indeed!”

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Douglas Brauner

I'm a retired pastor, blogger, and photographer. (Oh, and did I mention husband and father?) I encourage people who wrestle with life to focus on Christ so that they experience hope and joy on life's treadmill.