
by Rev Steve Nickodemus

Kids sing for joy!

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking this SoundCloud link.

“As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy!”
Luke 1:44

Children love to sing. They love to let loose and sing for joy at the top of their lungs, as this group is singing Christmas carols, complete with actions.

There was another baby, a little guy named John just six months in the womb, who sang and leaped for joy. He did it when Mary, carrying our Lord Jesus in her womb, met John’s mother Elizabeth. That caused John’s mother to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and to rejoice in the blessing of meeting Mary as well as the blessed Child she bore.

Now that is what I call some amazing joy! The two mothers, carrying miraculous children, rejoicing in song. The two babies, both fulfillment of ancient prophecy (one bearing witness to the Light, the other the Light of the world Himself), both leaping and rejoicing. Even the Holy Spirit rejoicing in the joy of filling everyone there with even more joy!

This Christmas may you be filled with all joy, as the Holy Spirit bears witness to you that God’s promises have all been fulfilled. Like the promise fulfilled in the incarnate birth of the Savior of the world, the Light that no darkness can overcome. This is the One of whom angels sing, whom shepherds worship, and for whom wise men search.

Joy, joy, and more joy! Sing it loud, dance like children, and shout it until you grow hoarse! The Savior is born! The Savior is born! Count it all as joy!

O give thanks unto the Lord! For He is good, and His mercy endures forever!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.