Return to Love

By Katy Mariotti

Love Covers Over

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“Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.”
1 Peter 4:8 English Standard Version

My kids spend a lot of time together in general, but especially in the summer. Sometimes they play great together, but more often than not they’re bickering, both of them wanting to get their way and finding ways to poke at each other. The whining, especially at the beginning of the summer, drives us crazy. We work so hard to teach them to be kind, but sometimes I don’t even blame them for getting frustrated. They get tired of each other, or the older one wants some time alone, or the younger one wants someone to play with him. Other times though, it’s just pure sibling arguing.

Recently, though, we were at a playground for a play date. My daughter got her nose whacked pretty hard by a swing and was quite upset. Her nose was okay, but it definitely hurt. She sat with me for a bit, then went off and I thought she was playing with her friends. But she soon came back crying, saying that her nose still hurt and that none of her friends came over to talk to her. I tried to explain that they probably didn’t know what to say, or thought that she wanted to be alone. This didn’t console her, and she sat by me instead of playing. I didn’t blame her friends, but I also felt sad for her. I wished one of them would come over and ask how she was, or ask if she wanted to play.

Before long, who came over but her little brother! He explained what they were playing and asked if she wanted to come join, or even just watch if her nose hurt too much. He hugged her and told her he loved her. His friend called to him, and instead of leaving, he yelled, “just a minute!” and waited for his sister to see if she wanted to come join, which she eventually did.

I don’t know if I’ve ever been prouder of my kids. Suddenly, it didn’t matter how much they argue. Here was a little brother thinking of his big sister and watching out for her. There are SO many verses in the Bible about love, and they tend to be my favorites. I hope I can follow this example from my own children. No matter how much we sin, or make mistakes with one another, we can always return to love, because God loved us and sent His Son when we were still sinners.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado